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Amanmere *Cult Classic*

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In the book Amanmere, Master Yao Nyamekye Morris, takes us to where Grand Trine began. For 7 years the author studied with various experts from indigenous cultures in Africa, Brazil, Asia, and North America. These were Shaman, Guru, Okomfo, Medicine Men, Elders, Healers, Mid-wives, Tantra practitioners and others. What emerged was an entire natural system of human sexuality. It presents new options in the Male to Female relationship Dynamic and introduces the Art and Science of Tantra!


“The greatest book that I've read on systematically living the abundance lifestyle in every aspect of your life and manifesting the full potential of your god/ god-is state!!!! My sincerest thanks for your 7yr journey to gather this ancient-indigenous knowledge and for your wisdom and commitment in creating and continuing the grand trine program!!! This life-transforming Intel, which was threatened to be lost to the ley-man, is fundamental to us returning to our "natal selves" and a naturally-holistic way of life in our lives, relationships, finances, spirituality, sex-life, health, and leisure. All I can say is, well done sir, well done!!!! - A. Olubusola 2015

Amanmere *Cult Classic*
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